Joel Martin Watson, known to friends as Joey, passed from this life on May 22, 2013. He was born in Beaumont to John and Ila June Watson on March 18, 1954. He attended French Elementary, James Bowie Jr. High, French High School, and graduated from Lamar University in 1977. In his younger years Joey was an accomplished athlete lettering in 3 sports in high school and playing college baseball. He worked in industrial sales most of his adult life, but devoted his last several years to caring for his mother and brother, John. When possible he enjoyed fishing, hunting, golf, and watching team sports. He was also an avid reader. Most remember Joey as outgoing and humorous, with a smile that always lit up a room when he entered.
Joey was preceded in death by his father, John Allison Watson, and is survived by his mother, Ila June Watson of Beaumont, one son, Joel Forrest Watson and wife Emily of the Dallas area, one granddaughter, Lily, and three brothers; Jack Seely of Austin, John Watson II of Beaumont, and Jeffrey Watson and wife, Jean Elise, of Palestine; his nephew, Jack Wesner Seely Jr. of Oklahoma City, OK and his niece, Dawn Michelle Beltz of Stafford, VA. He is greatly missed.